Community Paediatrics

Basic Training
Care of the well child
Taking care of the general health and well-being from birth to adolescents in the community setting
Childhood Immunisation
Knowledge of “Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme”
Protect, promote and support breastfeeding
Essential knowledge for supporting Baby-Friendly practices
Framework to stop aggressive and inappropriate marketing of breast-milk substitutes e.g., the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, Hong Kong Code of Marketing of Formula Milk and Related Products, and Food Products for Infants & Young Children
Growth and Nutrition
Normal growth patterns and nutritional requirement
Promote healthy lifestyle for normal growth and optimal nutrition
Child Protection/Safeguarding
Patterns of injury that are highly suggestive of non-accidental injury
Shaken baby syndrome
Behavioural Paediatrics
Risk and protective factors that may affect a child’s behaviour
Recognise effective parenting practices can be used to prevent or manage common childhood behavioural problems
Social Paediatrics
Social and environmental factors affecting health including poverty, children in care, influence of the mass media, health care policies
Be aware of global child health issues including exploitation, child labour, child protection, war and growing up in low-income countries
Recognise United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
Health Promotion
Aware of and make use of local paediatric primary health services
Child Public Health
Key determinants of child health and well-being (including indices of social deprivation)
Levels of disease prevention: primary; secondary; tertiary
Desirable skills
Recognise and outline the management of children in need, including high risk unborn or newborn child
Recognise abnormal demeanor and interaction of child with parents or child carer
Assess feeding adequacy and manage common breastfeeding and feeding problems
Higher Training
Behavioural Paediatrics
Screening for, assess and manage children with risk factors that may affect the behaviour of a child
Know how to prevent and remediate the impact of acute and chronic illnesses (including developmental difficulties) on child behaviour and family functioning
Counsel parents on effective parenting practices to prevent or manage common childhood behaviour problems
Participate in multidisciplinary team in management of the child and adolescent with behavioural problems
Child Protection / Safeguarding
Local multidisciplinary procedures for CYP in need of safeguarding support, including adoption and foster care.
Long term sequelae in victims of child maltreatment
Desirable skills
Collaborate or lead Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) and Multi-disciplinary Case Conference (MDCC)
How to be a child advocate
Deliver community child health promotion