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Domain 3

HK Doctors Core Competence mapped to this domain:

Clinical procedures - Medical graduates should be able to master a range of basic clinical procedures independently (more advanced skills are expected of a paediatric trainee

Basic Training

Learning Objectives

  1. Carry out clinical examinations with appropriate adaptations for CYP of different growth and developmental stages.

  2. Carry out basic clinical procedures with appropriate adaptation and troubleshooting for CYP under a range of situations

Key Capabilities

  1. Perform basic and advanced paediatric life support and neonatal resuscitation.

  2.  Recognize and take prompt and appropriate procedures when the child's well-being, safety, dignity or comfort is being compromised.

  3.  Perform developmental assessment of CYP and appreciate normal variations in growth and development

  4.  Perform the following essential procedures:

    • Infection control measure

    • Aseptic technique      

    • Administration of sedation    

    • Blood taking techniques, including heel prick

    • Various injection techniques

    • Peripheral venous cannulation

    • Peripheral Arterial cannulation

    • Umbilical venous cannulation

    • Umbilical arterial cannulation

    • Intraosseous needle insertion

    • Lumbar puncture
    • Measuring peak flow rate

    • Advanced airway support, including tracheal intubation, replacing tracheostomy tube and bagging

    • Microbiological study specimen collection

    • Bladder catheterization

    • ECG performance and interpretation

    • Use of Epinephrine auto-injector

    • Chest tap and chest tube insertion

    • Nasogastric tube insertion

    • Use of Automated external defibrillator

    • Red Reflex examination


  1. Complete the training of the necessary skills of a basic trainee.

  2. Take care to ensure the dignity and comfort of CYP when performing clinical procedures

  3. Take prompt and appropriate actions when the CYP’s well-being, safety, dignity or comfort is being compromised

  4. Explain the indication, side effect and possible complications of common procedures to the CYP and family

Higher Training

Learning Objectives

  1. Supervise and assess junior staff undertaking clinical procedures, and manage complications arising from the procedures.

  2.  Demonstrate competence in performing independently a wider range of advanced procedural skills that are required in the practice of paediatrics and their chosen  subspecialties.

  3.  Recognize the situation that requires the advanced or specialized skills of other health professionals and to employ their skills.

Key Capabilities

  1. Perform the following essential procedures during higher training:

    • Exchange transfusion

    • Point-of-care ultrasound (e.g. head ultrasound examination, ultrasound guided vascular cannulation) – the use of ultrasound as a modality of examination or guidance of clinical procedure instead of the specific ultrasound procedure.


  1. Supervise junior staff in essential clinical procedures with appropriate guidance and teaching. 

  2. Decide alternative strategy when the procedures are contraindicated or refused.

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