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Domain 1
Professional Values & Behaviour

HK Doctors Core Competences mapped to this domain:

Integration of basic, social and clinical sciences into the clinical context - Medical graduates should be competent in integrating the current knowledge in basic, social and clinical sciences and applying the knowledge to recognize, explain and manage health problems of patients.

Attitude and Professionalism - Medical graduates should be able to demonstrate an appropriate professional attitude and uphold important tenets of professionalism. These include altruism, accountability and responsibility, commitment to excellence and service, honour and integrity, respect for others, and adherence to standards of professional behaviour including appropriate attire and use of professional language.

Ethical understanding and legal responsibilities - Medical graduates should be able to grasp the ethical principles and to understand the legal responsibilities in the practice of medicine.

Basic Training

Learning Outcomes

  1. Be committed to excellence, service, honour, integrity and respect of others.

  2. Take the interest and welfare of children as the first and most important consideration.

  3. Apply the knowledge of growth and development in the holistic care of Children and Young Persons (CYP).

  4. Demonstrate insight and recognize the limits of their capabilities in common emergency and non-emergency paediatric conditions.

Key Capabilities

  1. Act with altruism, accountability and responsibility.

  2. Respect the autonomy of CYP and their families in making informed decisions about medical care and assess their competence in doing so

  3. Foster constructive working relationships with healthcare professionals, CYP and their families taking into account of the effect of different cultural and religious backgrounds on patient care

  4. Reflect on one's own work


  1. Recognize and manage common pediatric emergency and non-emergency conditions,

  2. Explain management plans to CYP and families, involving them in decision making

  3. Obtain consent for common procedures by explaining the procedure, benefits, risks and potential complications

  4. Demonstrate the understanding of how the developing physiology, anatomy and psychology affect the care of CYP.

  5. Assess psychological and mental issues of CYP and refer to appropriate health professionals

  6. Seek help and advice from seniors and colleagues when encountering difficulty in patient management 

  7. Make appropriate referrals to healthcare professionals for assessment and treatment

  8. Understand the importance of confidentiality in patient care.

Higher Training

Learning Outcomes

  1. Act in a way that is safe, appropriate and does no harm to the patients when handling a broad range of common paediatric conditions and emergencies as an independent clinician

  2.  Act as an example to junior colleagues in upholding professional and personal integrity

Key Capabilities

  1. Apply knowledge of the principle of medical ethics and current local legislation related to the care of children and families

  2.  Manage more difficult clinical conditions and complex situations, seeking help when appropriate.


  1. Apply management guidelines in daily work when appropriate

  2. Research for legal and ethical guidelines to support their work

  3. Understand the local legislation regarding the welfare of CYP.

  4. Understand medical ethics pertaining to palliative care, end-of-life care and resolve situations where the beliefs of the CYP or the family may affect patient care.

  5. Advise junior colleagues when making difficult decisions and handling patient complaints

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