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Domain 6
Leadership &
Team Working

HK Doctors Core Competences mapped to this domain:

Roles of doctors within the healthcare system — Medical graduates should understand the healthcare system in Hong Kong and the clinical    responsibilities and role of a doctor in the society. They should also appreciate the roles of doctors as researchers, mentors, teachers and managers in the system.

Team work - Team work is important in the delivery of healthcare to patients, and doctors should be able to take a leading role in a multi-professional team and appreciate the roles of other healthcare workers

Basic Training

Learning Objectives

  1. Participate effectively and constructively in multidisciplinary and inter-professional teams

Key Capabilities

  1. Understand the importance of leadership and team work in common clinical settings.

  2.  Work constructively within a team and value the contribution of team members in various disciplines and sectors.


  1. Participate regularly in multidisciplinary team case conference, joint clinics etc and work effectively with other team members

  2. Contribute to multidisciplinary teams and meetings in a proactive manner and delivers all work on time.

  3. Take part in audit meeting and other quality improvement projects initiated by the clinical department / team

  4. Guide interns, nurses and junior colleagues to work collaboratively on a daily basis.

Higher Training

Learning Objectives

  1. Demonstrate effective leadership qualities and critical decision-making skills

Key Capabilities

  1. Coordinate and communicate effectively in a MDT to handle a range of situations with CYP and families in chronic disease settings and challenging circumstances.

  2. Demonstrate leadership quality and decision making ability in conflicts and critical circumstances


  1. Actively participate in team meetings, working groups and interdepartmental projects as an independent team member.

  2.  Be an effective coordinator or chairperson of  case conferences, working groups and audit meetings

  3.  Give constructive feedback for the professional development of others

  4.  Takes lead in resuscitation or in drills

  5.  Promotes teamwork by empowering other team members through effective delegation and communication

  6.  Initiate and complete projects on guidelines writing or quality improvement 

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