
Draft proposed by Dr Annie Fok
Reviewed by Dr S P Wu
Essential Skills
Domain 1 Professional Values & Behaviour
Domain 3 Procedural skills (detection of red reflex)
Domain 4 Patient Management
Additional desirable skills are listed in each proposal. These recommended skills are to be acquired as opportunity arises
Basic Training
Common eye problems
Manage common paediatric eye conditions such as nasolacrimal duct obstruction, chalazia, hordeolum, epiblepharon
Approach to epiphora and allergic conjunctivitis
Detection of cataract
Common causes of cataract
Childhood glaucoma
Detection of glaucoma
Intraocular mass and tumour
Detection of intraocular mass
Differential diagnosis of intraocular mass, particularly retinoblastoma
Optic neuritis
Detection of relative afferent pupillary defect
Paediatric retinal conditions
Recognise the staging, screening methods and management of retinopathy of prematurity ROP
Retinal detachment
Eye infection
Common causes and management of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, peri-orbital and orbital cellulitis
Strabismus and diplopia
Common causes of strabismus and diplopia
Evaluation of strabismus
Common causes of ptosis
Evaluation of ptosis
Delayed visual behaviour and visual impairment
Approach to children with delayed visual behaviour and visual impairment
Understand different types of common refractive errors and amblyopia
Recognise common causes of visual impairment and cortical visual impairment
Desirable skills
Bedside fundoscopic examination – use of direct ophthalmoscope
Use of Snellen Chart for visual acuity testing
Use of Ishihara Chart for colour vision testing
Higher Training
Common causes of nystagmus and its associated features.
The need to investigate for visual acuity and ocular abnormality
Neurological causes of incomitant squints
Ocular manifestations of systemic diseases
Recognise and collaborate in managing the ocular manifestations in systemic diseases:
Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities
Metabolic disorders such as IEM, hyperthyroidism
Craniofacial anomalies
Rheumatological and inflammatory disorders
Recognise retinal changes and ocular findings in shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma
Visual impairment and blindness
Understand the genetic of hereditary and non-hereditary conditions that causes visual impairment, particularly Usher syndrome and retinitis pigmentosa
Desirable skills
Prescribing mydriatics for eye examination