Adolescent Medicine

Draft proposed by Dr Winnie Tse
Reviewed by Dr Stephen Chan, Dr S P Wu and Dr Rever Li
Essential Skills
Domain 1 - Professional Values & Behaviour
Domain 2 - Communication
Domain 4 - Patient management
Domain 5 - Health promotion & Illness prevention
Domain 9 - Safeguarding
Additional desirable skills are listed in each proposal. These recommended skills are to be acquired as opportunity arises
Basic Training
Definition and Epidemiology
Know definition of adolescence
Understand statistics and epidemiology of adolescent health
Understand health determinants
Physical and psychological changes of adolescence
Understand biopsychosocial development -
importance of physical, emotional, intellectual & social influences
Distinguish the specific and changing health care needs of adolescents from those of children and adults.
Recognise growth and pubertal problems
Understand nutritional requirements
Recognise overweight and obesity,
Abusive substances
Mode of action of the substances
Physiological consequences
Causes and prevention of health compromising and risk behaviors eg. Smoking, drug and alcohol abuse
Sexual health
Distinction between gender identity and sexual orientation
Principles of sex education
Risk factors and implications of teen pregnancy
Sexually transmitted diseases
Adolescent Gynaecology
Understand dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Understand dysmenorrhea
Understand polycystic ovarian syndrome
Developmental conditions including eating disorders
Understand educational and vocational needs
Recognise learning disabilities
Eating disorders:
Recognise clinical presentation,
Identify anorexia nervosa,
Recognise roles in multidisciplinary management
Mental health
Recognise early signs of depression, anxiety, psychosis and suicidal tendency
Recognise red flags to refer to mental health specialists
Adolescent violence and abuse
Date violence
Chronic illnesses and common clinical conditions
Understand & effectively communicate to address drug adherence
Manage chronic pains including migraine, tension headache, back and leg pains
Sport injuries
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Psychosocial impacts of chronic illnesses
Transition of young person to adult services
Understand the crucial importance of a successful transitional care programme
Desirable skills
Active Listening
Basic Counselling skills
Use of HEADSS tool to take a psychosocial history
Understanding of the limits of confidentiality
Pubertal assessment using the Tanner’s staging method
Higher Training
Appreciate the comparison between local and overseas epidemiological characteristics
Know local resources providing medical, educational, vocational, social and mental health services for adolescents
Physical and psychological changes of adolescence
Carry out a detailed assessment of growth, puberty and nutritional problems
Abusive Substances
Provide anticipatory guidance on health-compromising behaviours
Participate in MDT in abstinence programme
Sexual health
Provide medical treatment of common STDs
Gives counseling on relationship issues and safe sex practices
Give counseling and prescription of emergency contraception
Developmental conditions including eating disorders
Perform initial assessment of issues e.g. school adjustment, peers, self-image and autonomy
Understand parental styles and parenting issues
Understand the impacts of chronic illness, disability, death and dying on adolescent development
Participate in MDT management of a range of eating disorders (anorexia, binges, bulimia)
Manage ADHD
Mental health
Manage common mental health disorders e.g. anxiety, psychosomatic disorders, stable depression and psychosis, chronic fatigue syndrome
Practise the limits of confidentiality
Chronic illnesses and common clinical conditions
Manage acne
Manage treatment compliance issues with involvement of the adolescent in the treatment process
Participate in adolescent palliative management
Transition of young person to adult services
Participate in the transitional care of a variety of chronic medical conditions